Day of Reflection: Background and setting the scene: “A Pope’s hopes”

This will be the first of five reflection days that we are hosting at Mary MacKillop Place this year.

This session – “A Pope’s hopes” – has been designed for the Holy Year of Jubilee and introduces the terms and themes of Pope Francis’ writings: Fanning the flames of faith and hope in a “Holy Year” celebrating forgiveness and generosity in “Jubilee”, and a “Pilgrimage” of “Hope”.

The programme has been designed to include times of prayer, reflection with images and other sources of wisdom, with times of silence, music and interaction. Aligned with the hopes expressed by Pope Francis in his call for participation in the Holy Jubilee Year of a Pilgrimage of Hope.

This session will be placed firmly in the context of our being pilgrims visiting Mary MacKillop Place as a nominated Pilgrimage Centre for the Holy Year of Jubilee.

As a participant you will also be invited to take time and space to walk within the Pilgrimage Centre.

As Pope Francis requests, this session will form part of the overall programme, offer brief reflections on four of the significant Constitutions of Vatican II as a way of honouring their past and ongoing role in Sacred Tradition.

Reflection Day Programme

9.30am- 10.30am Session

30 minute break for simple Morning Tea/Coffee (included)

11.00am – 12.-15pm Interactive time

Lunch until 12.50pm (BYO Lunch)

1.00pm  Mass, followed by short time to pray at the Tomb or walking in the spirit of pilgrimage in this sacred pilgrimage site.

1.40pm – 2.10pm Concluding the Day.

Location: Joachim Forbes Room, 7 Mount St, North Sydney.

Facilitator: Sr Virginia Bourke rsj

Cost:  Free

If you have any questions please contact:

26 March Reflection Day Registration